ICandyLA’s criteria, defined by our panel of experts – or expert, I should say – comes down to this:
– PERSONAL STYLE: How unique is someone’s look? How much does it relay about them? Fashion, in our view, should communicate personal visual messages. It’s one of the ways in a big sprawling city to find, identify, your tribe.
– WHAT SUITS AN INDIVIDUAL PHYSICALLY?: We all tend to make clothing choices based on our bodies, ages, features, coloring, our histories – our financials, of course – our determined color schemes. It doesn’t have to flattering, per se – although that factors. It just needs to be – cohesive. A picture, a full story – all these things reflect personal choices.
– IT’S GOT TO BE INTERESTING IN AND OF ITSELF: Outside of how it suits you, what it says about you – does it stand out? Cookie cutter looks are about hiding – which is fine. But having style nerve – fashion balls! – grabs out attention. It makes the world, the city, a much more interesting place. Let’s face it: people watching is a very popular sport.